How to Navigate Continuing Uncertainty, Flux, and Turbulence
“May this newsletter bring healing light, love, prosperity, and abundant blessings to all its readers and beyond.”
November 9, 2020
I am learning the power of setting intentions in my daily practice. So this morning as I write to you I set my intention for my work today and for this newsletter (the above intention).
The big Moon event for this week is the New Moon in Scorpio this Saturday at 9:07 pm PT. Click here to watch my YouTube video on how to do a New Moon Wheel.
Very early in this year, I heard in a prayer that I was being called upon to start sharing my spiritual work. Although I have worked on the foundations of this work for almost 30 years, I found myself fearing being seen as “crazy” and feeling uncomfortably vulnerable in sharing my spiritual self.
As part of this spiritual practice, I have a weekly channeling session with a friend where we practice channeling for one another. Last night I asked her to channel an answer to the following question: “what do I do in this time of uncertainty? It feels like the energy is in flux, the direction is not clear, and there is a general feeling of turbulence.”
The answer was “to stay grounded, to enjoy my family, loved ones and friends, to seek the beauty in the world, seek joy, and to start creating the energy that I want to see in the world.”
What would I like to see in the world? I would like to see loving kindness, peace, unity, joy, decency, prosperity and abundance for all, people knowing their true power and value, an anti-racist society, civil discourse, a happy healthy earth, relief from fear, relief from pain and suffering, and relief from victimization.
When I think, “how do we possibly create the above in the world?” I get a little overwhelmed, but then I remember that all I have control over is my attitude of the mind (Viktor Frankel), my actions, and the commitments that I am responsible for.
I believe that If we aspire to create love, joy, peace, prosperity, relief from fear, etc, in our own lives we make it real for ourselves and make it available for others. Perhaps, our loving and joyful energy touches the lives of those around in our inner circle and helps them have the strength and empowerment to live the life of their dreams too.
We have a second new Moon in Scorpio this Saturday at 9:07 pm PT. Put your big dreams in your New Moon Wheel. Click here to watch my YouTube video on how to do a New Moon Wheel.
Your big dreams reveal your divine joy, your divine purpose, and your divine abundance. As each of us changes, grows, and aspires to hold more light and love, so more light and love radiates into our relationships, our families, our communities, and into the wider world.
In other words, your big dreams and desires are not selfish; they stem from an innate desire to express your unique gifts, live your calling, and receive abundance sufficiency.
Would you like my help and guidance on your New Moon Wheel? I am offering a 2-hour live Zoom session on Lunar Alchemy on the next New Moon, Sunday, November 15th, from 1-3 pm for the discounted price of $40. I will share the complete background on how to best use this 4-part system of aligning with the Moon phases and we can work on a New Moon Wheel together (in which I will give you step by step instructions). My ultimate goal of sharing this work is that you manifest the life of your dreams and have the joy, fulfillment, prosperity, and purpose you desire.
Warmest wishes, blessings, and love,