Take the Week Off!

“May this newsletter bring you comfort, meaning, and solace in these chaotic times.”

November 16, 2020

I hope this Moon newsletter finds you well.

I have been having a hard week.  My emotions have been all over the place.  Some days I have experienced profound clarity and other days feel depressed and purposeless.  

I have an acquaintance that passed out at work from drinking last week.  When I think about it, I can totally identify with these feelings of despair and purposelessness. My heart hurts for anyone feeling the despair, disorientation, loss, or grief of this time so acutely. These emotions are larger than we are.

I’m taking it easy today. I just took a long walk with my dog and ate some raw cookie dough!!  I spent a lot of my weekend, taking naps and binge-watching Netflix.  If you are feeling like going to bed and pulling the covers over your head, take the day off (or the week off) and do the self-care stuff that makes you feel comforted.

These emotions and feelings are related to the larger transformation we are undergoing, it is not just you feeling this way.


If you are feeling inspired and energized to make a New Moon Wheel, we are still in a positive manifesting stage of the New Moon through Wednesday. I recommend making your wheel with the guiding question: “what does my heart truly desire?”  See my example, attached, or click here to watch the New Moon Wheel video.

I sincerely send you my love, hugs, and warmest wishes,
