The Soulful Value of Self-Love
May this newsletter bring you feelings of peace and love, loving kindness, and the sweetness of the Divine.
Self of the purposes of this Lunar Alchemy work in aligning with the Moon is to build and develop self-love. As challenging childhood memories, triggers of our programs, or limiting self beliefs surface, I invite you to greet them with self-love.
Self-love is a gateway to the soul’s expression through your heart.
The Moon welcomes us to work with it’s monthly rhythm in listening to our dreams (New Moon), taking supportive action (1st Quarter), observing what is happening and feeling illuminated (Full Moon), and consciously releasing and letting go of what no longer serves us (Last Quarter). Please consider that this Moon cycle is teaching us a cycle of Self-Love.
This might be the penultimate goal of Lunar Alchemy to cultivate Self-Love. You are a vast and incredible being who finds deep meaning and value in allowing your soul’s gorgeous light to shine out of you.
I promise you that I can see this in you and it is there shining magnificently and incandescently.
If you cannot see it, yet, self-love will take you there. I urge you to give that to yourself.
Today, Monday, December 14, 2020, at 9:17 am MST we had a total Solar Eclipse as seen from the Southern Hemisphere. This is a powerful Sagittarius New Moon day to seed your dreams and goals. New cycles are beginning today-- a one Month cycle, a 6 month cycle (until the next eclipses), a 2.5 year cycle, and a 19 year cycle.
"Solar Eclipse", December 14, 2020 by Scott Moore
Harness this energy by doing a New Moon Wheel, click this New Moon Wheel link for instructions
The Moon enters Capricorn this evening and stays there through Wednesday. The Moon is in Winter signs all week this week (Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces), if there is any way possible that you can do this-- go inward, take naps, take baths, listen to music, read novels, sleep in, basque in inner light. Do the kind of things you like to do in January and February!
Because of multiple astrological transits this week, I have heard it may be a turbulent week. We are in the midst of a very transformative time. The rebirth is happening! Surrender to it and cherish it with self-love.
Are you yearning to experience your soul’s essence? Next Monday night, I will be hosting a live Zoom event, “Rebirth-- Celebrating the Winter Solstice/Grand Conjunction”, on December 21, 2020 from 5-7 pm Mountain Time. I will give background on this momentous new beginning exhibited by the Winter Solstice and the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. We will celebrate this rebirth and transformative turning point, and I will give a guided visualization to connect with your soul. The Sol stands still at the solstice, we will take time to honor, to listen, and to discover what our soul’s are communicating to us.
There is a special price for this event for subscribers of this email and friends of subscribers. You will get 50% off with coupon code REBIRTH. Click here to save your spot!