Collection: Whole Soul Healing Sessions

Are in emotional, spiritual, mental or physical pain?  Maybe you feel lost in life and would like to find your spiritual direction and work towards making your dreams a reality.

I was in emotional pain for many years.  I carried the burden of unprocessed grief from my dad's death at 10 years old and I had felt invisible and victimized by a narcissistic mother.

After a serious car accident at 20 years old, I had an experience of Divine Intervention and began on my own psycho-spiritual healing journey.

Sometimes we need Divine Intervention.  In my case, my life at 20 years old felt hopelessly out of control.  I had been raped multiple times and I felt like I was a target of victimization.

In this 30 year journey of self-healing, studying, teaching, and practicing I have gathered the skills to teach you how to chart your own healing journey (MIND), help you process painful or traumatic experiences (EMOTIONS), give you a restorative energy healing (BODY), and show you your soul's path and karmic journey (SPIRIT). 

In all of my work, I integrate the teachings and prayer work of the sacred Lokota Medcine Wheel, which teaches the art of wholeness, beauty, and balance.

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